Web Content
No doubt about it. Content delivery through the web is the most effective way to get your message out to the world.
Once you make a splash at your exhibit, you need cost effective reuse of your assets to tell your story again online. Neural Impulse develops web content with WebGL so your users can experience the latest advances in 3D web content
Web Based Interactive 3D Content
Web Application Examples
The following examples require recent versions of the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser.
Heart Explorer
The heart explorer application is an example of content that can be viewed on a website with minimal load time.
Instructions: There are two main tabs at the bottom of the application. These tabs control interface functionality.
- Interact tab: By default the Interact tab is active and allows the user to rotate the heart by clicking the background and dragging the mouse. Sliders are also available along the bottom to change the size and heart rate. The reset rotation button returns the heart to the default rotation. Click on the depictions tab on the right side to change how the heart is visualized.
- Destinations tab: The destinations tab provides several internal views of the heart. Click each button to view all four chambers of the heart and a microscopic view inside a small branch of a coronary vessel. The reset view button returns the compound to the default position.
Molecular Explorer
The molecular explorer application is an example of content that can be hosted on a website with minimal load time.
Instructions: There are two main tabs at the bottom of the application. These tabs control interface functionality.
- Interact tab: By default the Interact tab is active and allows the user to rotate the molecular compound by clicking the background and dragging the mouse. Clicking directly on a molecular shell turns its identification label on. Click it again to turn it off. A slider at the bottom of the interface can be used to change the compound size. The reset rotation button returns the compound to the default rotation. Click on the depictions tab on the right side to change how the compound is visualized. The GP120 protein is the focus so the transparency button turns the other shells transparent and the isolate button removes them. Once isolate is clicked it toggles to unify. Click unify to bring the GP41 and CD4 receptor back.
- Actions tab: The actions tab provides several predefined close up views of the compound. Click each button to move to these different views. The reset view button returns the compound to the default position.
Sketchfab Examples
Instructions: On a desktop, use the trackpad or mouse to zoom and change your view of the scene. The experience can be viewed on a mobile phone with a google cardboard headset. Look for the cardboard icon in the lower right and click it. This will load a separate page and prompt the user to load the phone into a headset. This content uses WebGL.
Arteriole Vessel Tour
This experience is an arteriole environment with several cell types. It is primarily intended to be viewed on a cell phone loaded in a google cardboard headset.
Brain Aneurysm Explorer
This experience automatically cycles through several visualization states of the brain. Initially presented are the blood vessels, grey matter cortex, and cerebellum of the brain. This is followed by a white matter reveal and an isolation of the blood vessels. The most common sites of cerebral aneurysm are presented next with a further isolation of a carotid branch aneurysm.
Heart Visualization
This is a visualization of a normal beating heart. The view can be altered to see the inner chambers as well.
Glomerulus Visualization
This is a visualization of a glomerulus in the kidney. The glomerulus is a filtration mechanism.